Have an Electrical Emergency?
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- Fast Response
- 24 Hour Electrician
- Always On Call
If you have an electrical emergency and need a 24 hour electrician, call us immediately at 484-753-2111 or click on "Request An Estimate" below.
24 Hour Emergency Electrical Service
J & J Electric - Available 24 7 for your electrical emergency
Electrical Emergency Service 24 Hours A Day, 365 Days A Year
J&J Electric is a 24 7 electrical emergency electrician that can be counted on at all times in case you experience one of these unfortunate circumstances. You can be sure that J & J Electric is more then capable to handle any and all emergencies in a timely manner. All of our employees are trained and highly skilled to deal with any and all emergencies you may have. You do not need to worry about your emergency repeating itself once the issue has been resolved.
Other companies might take advantage of an emergency situation by charging unreasonable rates, but not ours. You will be charged a fair price for the service provided. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, at any hour of the day or night. You can feel confident that someone will be there to assist you in your time of need. Don't hesitate to call the Philadelphia area's most trusted 24 hour Electrician. We don't sleep so you can.
What To Do In An Electrical Emergency
- If someone has been electrocuted, always call 911.
- Don't touch any person that has been electrocuted if the power source is still in contact with them.
- If possible, turn off the electricity.
- If you can't turn off the electric current, move it away from you with an object that doesn't conduct electricity - such as rubber, glass, paper or teflon.
How to Avoid Electrical Emergencies
Simple - have a licensed electrician check your business or home for possible faulty connections or electrical dangers.
Many people take electricity for granted. Because it is typically an "unseen" danger, many people ignore the dangers that an electrical current can deliver. Electric shock or electrocution can be as painless as an annnoying "shock" or "jolt", but in severe circumstances can cause heart failure and life threatening burns to the skin. Many of the electrical disasters we have seen start with every day objects that are often over-looked or ignored by homeowners and businessowners. The most common problems arise from faulty or outdated appliances, power cables and residential or commercial wiring. Another big cause of electrical emergencies is water coming into contact with electrical equipment and appliances. Don't ignore possible life threatening electrical problems.....call J&J today to schedule a walk-through of your business or home to make sure your investments and loved one's are safe from an electrical disaster.
Plan Ahead for Disasters!
As the Philadelphia area's trusted Electricians, J & J always recommends having a licensed Electrician check your home wiring or business electrical service regulalry. Be Prepared!.